[Re:]Entanglements: Colonial Collections in Decolonial Times
Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology, Cambridge
22 June 2021 to 20 April 2022
[Re:]Entanglements: Colonial Collections in Decolonial Times brought together many elements of the research that we have been pursuing in the [Re:]Entanglements project. It juxtaposed the historical archives and collections from Northcote Thomas’s early 20th century anthropological surveys of West Africa with contemporary responses of artists and community members to the material. It posed difficult questions about the legacies of colonialism in the present.
Read more about the [Re:]Entanglements exhibition:
[Re:]Entanglements was the latest in a series of exhibitions exploring colonial archives and collections in decolonial times. Other project exhibitions have taken place at Nosona Studios in Benin City, the National Museum in Lagos, the University of Nigeria in Nsukka, and the Royal Anthropological Institute in London. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic a planned exhibition at the National Museum in Freetown has had to be postponed, but we hope to hold this at a later date.